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Another non-lockerz related post

I just wanted to say that is amazing! If you use twitter, you should definitely check it out and bookmark it. It's great for unfollowing people who don't follow you back, and all kinds of other things. 5/5 in my book. Try it out.

Not Lockerz Related [Twitter Exchange]

Post in the comment section of this post if you want to have a shout out on twitter. Then, someone else will be responsible for giving you that shout, and you will shout for them... I think it would be a good way to get some followers! Let's get started.

Very cool new information

Before I post this, I just wanted to give 100% credit to Acke150 at Lockerz Forum for posting:

Members will earn PTZ every time they watch a new video or listen to a posted song or try a new game for the first time. If you love it, you'll earn even more PTZ if you buy and download it from Lockerz. There will be 15+ ways to earn PTZ at Lockerz and many more ways to use your PTZ as well. You can use your PTZ to either redeem prizes or get some killer discounts at our online store. The concept is NOT that everyone is entitled to the prize they want or to a prize at all each month. The concept is about earning PTZ that you can ultimately use to get cool prizes, huge discounts on stuff you love to buy and access to exclusive music, games and videos before anyone else through your Z-list status or PTZ.

Find his original post by clicking on the Title to this blog post.

Thinking about getting this on the next restock...

125 PTZ, seems like a good deal. I could use another amp. They need to add some guitars though :)

What did you answer?

Dailies Question November 12, 2009

Who would you like to see scale the empire state building?

I said Big Bird... Couldn't think of anything else.

Cody's Lockerz Tags

Blogumulus by Roy Tanck and Amanda Fazani