The Invitation Form!

*Once you hit submit, and the form resets, it has sent it successfully. I'm working on fixing that so it gives you a confirmation. Also, please give me up to 12 hours from the time of your request to send you an invitation. This isn't automated, and I have to manually input any requests.

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Not Lockerz Related [Twitter Exchange]

Post in the comment section of this post if you want to have a shout out on twitter. Then, someone else will be responsible for giving you that shout, and you will shout for them... I think it would be a good way to get some followers! Let's get started.


  1. I'll start it, just post a comment w/ your twitter name and I'll give you a shoutout for a few minutes.

  2. Come on guys, someone has to want a shout out!


Introduce yourself, make some comments, or give me a shoutout!

Cody's Lockerz Tags

Blogumulus by Roy Tanck and Amanda Fazani